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A-ZBusinessFinder - Conditions of Use

A-ZBusinessFinder Conditions of Use form the basis for your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership. They govern your rights and duties during your use of A-ZBusinessFinder.

  1. The Use of Your Data
  2. A-ZBusinessFinder Reviewership
  3. User Name
  4. User Image
  5. Duty of Care Pertaining to User Data
  6. Posting of Content
  7. User Rights of A-ZBusinessFinder
  8. General Conditions of Use
  9. Ending / Cancellation of your A-ZBusinessFinder Reviewership
  10. Liability, Indemnity
  11. Closing Provisions
  12. Contact Information

1. The Use of Your Data

A-ZBusinessFinder collects, saves and uses your data for the purposes of the provision of this offer only.

If A-ZBusinessFinder should want to use your data for other purposes, this will only take place with your prior agreement (consent). If saving your data should no longer be required, e.g. if you end your reviewership, all of your personal data will be deleted.

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2. A-ZBusinessFinder Reviewership

  • Reviewership of A-ZBusinessFinder is free of charge.
  • Anyone who is aged 16 years of age or over can be a A-ZBusinessFinder reviewer.
  • As a A-ZBusinessFinder reviewer you gain access to A-ZBusinessFinder, an interactive reviewing platform.
  • Your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership starts with the activation of your selected A-ZBusinessFinder access data.
  • When you register, you are obliged to provide A-ZBusinessFinder with correct and complete information about your identity. This data always has to be up-to-date during your reviewership.
  • Your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership cannot be transferred.
  • Only one A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership is authorised per person.
  • To the extent that it is considered reasonable, A-ZBusinessFinder reserves the right to impose temporary limits on the A-ZBusinessFinder service to carry out maintenance work and further developments in as far as these may be necessary for correct or improved operations.

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3. User Name

You are able to freely select your user name. The user name which you chose must not, however, contravene current Manx law, the laws of third parties, these conditions of use or moral and ethical standards. The following limits apply:

When choosing their user names, reviewers must not ...

  • a) use the name of another person;
  • b) use a name which is protected by copyright, by a brand label, or by any other trademark or property right;
  • c) use a name which might contravene the rights of any individual person or corporate body;
  • d) use a name which might provoke or harm other reviewers, e.g. vulgar or offensive user names;
  • e) use a name which contains codes that identify the reviewer with an organisation that is of an extremist nature, even if the coded meaning of the user name is not immediately recognisable to outsiders.

As the owner of a user name, you are responsible for all content which are published under your user name.

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4. User Image

When choosing their user image, reviewers must not ...

  • a) use the image of another person;
  • b) use an image which is protected by copyright, by a brand label, or by any other trademark or property right;
  • c) use any user images which are vulgar or offensive as these may upset or offend other reviewers.

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5. Duty of Care Pertaining to User Data

You are responsible for all content which are published under your user name. For this reason you select a password for your user name and take all of the necessary measures to ensure it is not concealed. You are responsible for the unauthorized use of your user name by third parties.

A-ZBusinessFinder is able to take the necessary action in the event of knowledge or suspicion of misuse of your username or password. This action may include the temporary blocking of your reviewership or access to A-ZBusinessFinder, or their permanent closure.

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6. Posting of Content

As a A-ZBusinessFinder reviewer, you have a wide range of different possibilities for participating in the community and for the setting and placing of content.

Please also note that the placing and setting of the following content on the A-ZBusinessFinder platform is not permitted:

Content that is not permitted:

  • a) content that is racist, pornographic, obscene, offensive or vulgar; content that glorify or downplay violence, or content that contravenes moral and ethical standards;
  • b) content that impairs or endangers the development or upbringing of children or young people, or that contravenes human dignity or other valued legally protected interests;
  • c) content that incites other persons to criminal actions or other actions that contravene moral and ethical standards;
  • d) abusive or offensive statements;
  • e) threats to other reviewers, service providers or third parties;
  • f) defamatory criticism, slander, offensive statements, lies or incorrect information;
  • g) content that contravenes the information-related self determination of third parties;
  • h) copied content over which you have no rights;
  • i) content that presents a security risk, for instance, computer viruses;
  • j) links to web sites with content that contravene current legislation, are inappropriate to young people, or are otherwise inappropriate;
  • k) private data such as telephone numbers or email addresses with the exception of those pertaining to the user's personal profile;
  • l) names, addresses, telephone numbers or email addresses with the exception of those pertaining to the user's personal profile;
  • m) unauthorized advertising of a particular thing, such as raffles, discount campaigns or sales in the form of events.


As a A-ZBusinessFinder reviewer you are authorised to write reviews. A-ZBusinessFinder reserves the right to publish these reviews on the A-ZBusinessFinder reviews platform. A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers do not have an automatic entitlement for their reviews to be published.

The following rules apply to the reviews:

  • a) reviews must pertain to the service provider that is to be reviewed;
  • b) reviews must correspond with reality;
  • c) reviews must be factual and accurate;
  • d) negative reviews are permitted but they must be expressed in terms of fact;
  • e) persons who are either related to or are a co-worker of a service provider may only evaluate the corresponding company if they clearly publicise this relationship.
  • f) the stating of email addresses, URLs or telephone numbers for advertising purposes is not allowed;
  • g) straightforward advertisements (concealed or open) are not permitted;
  • h) rumours, content based upon rumour, or the unconfirmed statements of other persons are not permitted;
  • i) any branch of a company may only be stated as a location on A-ZBusinessFinder once.

A-ZBusinessFinder is authorized to block reviews that you have posted in A-ZBusinessFinder if justified suspicion should exist on the basis of specific evidence that the legal requirements of these conditions of use have been contravened. A-ZBusinessFinder reserves the right to check and if possible delete reviews which you have posted in A-ZBusinessFinder.

A-ZBusinessFinder is also authorized to weight reviews posted by the A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers. For example, A-ZBusinessFinder is authorized to give reviews by A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers who post several reviews a higher weighting than reviews by reviewers who post fewer reviews. The same applies to reviews by A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers that are given positive ratings by other A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers.

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7. User Rights of A-ZBusinessFinder

a) When posting content (reviews) and/or with the placing of your photo, with regard to these content, you give A-ZBusinessFinder the right, unlimited by either time or region, to use the content and the photo along with the user name which you have chosen.

b) While maintaining the author's moral right and your personal right, A-ZBusinessFinder is in particular authorized to duplicate, prepare, provide public access to and to make your reviews available on request (online-, access-, and transmission rights) and to archive them and save them in databases.

c) You agree to be found in a reviewer search using criteria such as sex, age, and other public profile information that you have supplied to A-ZBusinessFinder.

d) A-ZBusinessFinder is only authorized to process the content and the photo that you have provided in as far as this is necessary for the purposes of graphic representation or for editorial reasons.

e) A-ZBusinessFinder does not have to pay you any fee for the granting of the user rights described here.

f) You are able to affirm that you have all of the rights to the content and photos which you have made available, especially being authorised to be able to transfer the rights described here to A-ZBusinessFinder. Persons who are depicted on photos must be adults and must have given their agreement to the uploading of the photo. Photos of minors require the corresponding permission of a parent / legal guardian.

g) A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers do not have an automatic entitlement for their content of photos to be published in A-ZBusinessFinder. A-ZBusinessFinder decides whether such information is published on the basis of its own editorial evaluation. With photos, A-ZBusinessFinder is not obliged to name photographers.

h) If third parties should take legal action against A-ZBusinessFinder due to either the content entered by you and/or the upload, and/or the use of photos (particularly due to the contravention of personal rights, copyright, trademark rights or ancillary copyrights), you are obliged to compensate A-ZBusinessFinder for all damages which accrue to A-ZBusinessFinder through the culpable neglect of duty on your part. The onus is on you to provide proof that either no damage or damage lesser than that asserted by A-ZBusinessFinder had occurred.

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8. General Conditions of Use

a) You undertake to make use of the A-ZBusinessFinder offer in a lawful manner. This means that you are only permitted to use A-ZBusinessFinder in such a way or for such purposes that they do not contravene these conditions of use, the current laws of the Isle of Man, or the rights of third parties.

b) If you permit another person, especially a minor, to access A-ZBusinessFinder using your login details, it is your duty to ensure that this person is aware of the conditions of use and rules of reviewership and to exercise due supervision.

c) If you or a third party who uses your user name culpably contravenes these conditions of use or current legislation, A-ZBusinessFinder is permitted to take the necessary action. Serious contraventions can lead to the full blocking of your access to A-ZBusinessFinder or the immediate cancellation of your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership.

d) On suspicion of the contraventions under criminal law or public law, A-ZBusinessFinder is authorized to support the public law enforcement and order authorities in their investigations without having to examine the legitimacy of such investigations and/or requests for information.

e) Within the scope of what is legal permitted, A-ZBusinessFinder has the right - but is not duty bound - to check all sections of the A-ZBusinessFinder service for compliance with the conditions of use, especially the rules of conduct that are governed in this section.

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9. Ending / Cancellation of your A-ZBusinessFinder Reviewership

You are permitted to cancel your reviewership of A-ZBusinessFinder at any time without having to provide or comply with a period of notice. A-ZBusinessFinder is authorised to cancel your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership at any time.

A-ZBusinessFinder is authorised to cancel your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership with immediate effect if you culpably contravene these conditions of use. If A-ZBusinessFinder does cancel your reviewership without notice due to contravention of these conditions of use, then you can only re-register at A-ZBusinessFinder with the express permission of A-ZBusinessFinder. A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers are not authorised to allow former A-ZBusinessFinder reviewers whose A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership has been cancelled without notice to use A-ZBusinessFinder.

After deletion of your account, A-ZBusinessFinder reserves the right to keep online any reviews that you have previously posted to the site.

Your right to cancel your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership for personal reasons is not affected by these conditions of use.

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10. Liability, Indemnity

The fact that A-ZBusinessFinder offers a platform to the content of third parties does not mean that A-ZBusinessFinder owns these content, nor does it mean that A-ZBusinessFinder agrees with them, takes a position concerning them or will necessarily edit them. The responsibility for external content is exclusively with the corresponding service provider and/or the reviewer who has posted such content in the A-ZBusinessFinder service, not with A-ZBusinessFinder. If A-ZBusinessFinder finds out, however, that external content contravene these conditions of use, then A-ZBusinessFinder will respond appropriately and in accordance with these conditions of use.

If, however, there is simply the suspicion of a contravention of the conditions of use, then A-ZBusinessFinder is not responsible for a failure to act unless the contravention can be proven.

If you culpably contravene these conditions of use, then you absolve A-ZBusinessFinder of any responsibility for any resulting damage that may occur, including the costs of legal defence at the level of the legally accruing fees. The onus is on you to provide proof that either no damage or damage lesser than that asserted by A-ZBusinessFinder has occurred.

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11. Closing Provisions

Subject to the following conditions, A-ZBusinessFinder reserves the right to change the conditions of use and services in as far as the changes are reasonable to you under consideration of the interests of A-ZBusinessFinder; this is especially the case if the changes do not generally pose a disadvantage to you, e.g. changes to contact information, assumption of additional services or similar.

In general, prior to a change to these conditions of use, A-ZBusinessFinder will inform you in one of the following methods: Either the changed conditions of use will be made accessible to you prior to the activation of new functions or services on the homepage and your agreement requested, or A-ZBusinessFinder will inform you about them by sending an email to the mail address provided on registration in advance period of at least one month prior to the coming into effect of the change. Your approval is considered given if you have not expressed your disagreement within a month subsequent to being informed.

The laws of the Isle of Man apply to all disputes which result in the context of the use of the A-ZBusinessFinder service, including legal rights and obligations, the effectiveness of the contract and claims of tort.

The legal domicile for all aforementioned disputes is Douglas, Isle of Man. If the residential location or business location of the contractual partner of A-ZBusinessFinder is situated outside the Isle of Man, then all aforementioned disputes will be definitively decided according to the arbitration code of the Isle of Man chamber of commerce under exclusion of the due legal process.

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12. Contact Information

Your A-ZBusinessFinder reviewership management service:

A to Z Communications Ltd
20 Church Street
Isle of Man IM5 1HL
Great Britain

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