About vapepenzonee
Here are some extra warnings about charging IGET Bar Legend, which are essential for your own safety. Otherwise, you may experience unforeseen accidents and no after-sales protection:
1. No charge overnight: Prolonged charging may lead to overheating and lessened IGET Legend battery life.
2.No e-liquid refilling: Improper refilling can cause e-liquid leakage, flavour loss, battery corrosion and other problems.
3. No wet hands while operating: Wet hands may lead to electrocution risk while charging.
4. No charging under high temperatures or high pressures: Heat sources may result in battery overheating, and high air pressures may lead to e-liquid leaking issues.
Aberfoyle Park
Web: https://www.igetbar.com/guide/how-to-recharge-iget-legend.html