About Waldorff Insurance & Bonding Inc
Since 1963, Waldorff Insurance has serving Florida's businesses and families specializing in providing a wide range of business insurance products, including: Contract surety bonds General liability Professional liability Commercial auto Commercial property Workers compensation insurance coverageWaldorff Insurance offers a complete employee benefit packages including: Group health Life Dental Retirement plansAs an independent insurance agency we represent a broad spectrum of the most reputable insurance companies so we can match you up with one that is right for you. We will shop your insurance for you so you don't have to call around. Our goal is to provide you with the insurance that you want, at the lowest possible price, while at the same time providing you the highest level of customer service. Waldorff Insurance & Bonding has been assisting contractors to: Increase program limits Reduce bond rates Provide better service Bond, design and build projects Increase single job limits Provide bonds and insurance for joint ventures Provide bonding for new com... Read more Resolve your initial bond need We represent most surety companies that are active performers in the construction bond business. All companies are A rated and treasury listed. Our expertise is working with you, your banker, and certified public accountant to provide you with the bonding capacity that your company needs to be more profitable and successful. Call us today to set up an appointment to discuss your insurance or bonding needs.
45 Eglin Pkwy NE Ste 202
Fort Walton Beach
Tel: 8505814925
Web: http://www.waldorffinsurance.com