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Farming Predominantly Cattle Dairy Sheep Pigs Poultry Businesses listed in Wells, Somerset, UK

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Farming Predominantly Cattle Dairy Sheep Pigs Poultry Businesses in Wells, Somerset, United Kingdom

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Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Wells - Somerset
Dial: 01749 673507
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Wells - Somerset
Dial: 1749673507
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Wells - Somerset
Dial: 1749675851
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Melsbury Farm Swanshard Lane - Wells - Somerset
Dial: 01749 673094
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Wells - Somerset
Dial: 1749673396
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Hollybrook - Wells - Somerset
Dial: 1749870297
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Wells Hill Bottom - Wells - Somerset
Dial: 01749 840279
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Silver Street - Wells - Somerset
Dial: 1749673314
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Wells - Somerset
Dial: 1458831141
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Hill House Farm - Wells - Somerset
Dial: 01749 672303

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