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Businesses listed in Amlwch, Isle of Anglesey, UK

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Businesses in Amlwch, Isle of Anglesey, United Kingdom

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Education & Tuition - Private - Services, Establishments, Specialists
Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 07504633633
Health & Beauty
3194 Ryan Road - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 6055833047

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Electrical - Contractor, Engineer, Installation, Repair, Service
Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Meat & Meat Products - Produce, Process, Package, Wholesale, Retail
Madyn Road - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 01407 830626
Building, Construction & Maintenance - Domestic, Commercial, Civil, Industl
8 Trecastell Park - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 01407 832174
Roofs - Materials, Services, Roofers, Trusses
Old Post Office Garage Lon Goch - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 01407 832888
Farming - Predominantly Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Pigs & Poultry
Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 1407710362
Paints, Varnishes & Decorating - Materials, Services, Contractors
Ockbrook Machine Street - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 01407 831753
Opticians & Optometrist - Opthalmic, Dispensing, Equipment, Lenses
Llwyn Onn Industrial Estate - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 1407839150
Clinics - Private
Madyn Road - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 1407832211
Dental & Orthodontist Service, Equipment, Lab, Surgeon, Technician, Hygiene
14 Salem Street - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 01407 830281
Transport - Water Transport & Supporting Services
Harbour Buildings Anglesey Marine Terminal - Amlwch - Isle of Anglesey
Dial: 01407 831065

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