Oven Cleaning Chelsea Ltd., Chelsea, London E, United Kingdom
About Oven Cleaning Chelsea Ltd.
We offer a wide range of services from help with dusting and vacuuming to a one-off deep clean. Our cleaners are prompt and reliable and will do as much of the cleaning as you wish. You can trust us to bring along the best tools and detergents for the job. We only use eco-friendly products so there will be no nasty fumes or toxins left behind. Clean your property immediately by calling 020 3743 3588 now on our cleaning experts available 24/7 all over Chelsea, SW3. Get a special offer now! Visit www.ovencleaningchelsea.com to learn more about Oven Cleaning Chelsea Ltd.
247 King's Rd
London E
United Kingdom
Tel: 02037433588
Web: http://ovencleaningchelsea.com