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Lemon Law Assist

Beverly Hills

Lemon Law Assist - Beverly Hills, CA, USA
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Physical Address 8889 W Olympic Blvd Penthouse
Beverly Hills
Phone 818-233-0052

Business/Community Description

Lemon Law Assist helps car owners get compensated or refunded for their defective lemon car.
You just bought a car. It looks great, drives great and even came with a warranty. Before long, though, you start to notice some problems. You take the car back to the dealer to get it fixed. It runs better for a week or so, and then the problems are back. You start to suspect that you’ve bought a “lemon car.”
We're a Lemon Law Firm with expert lemon law attorneys providing a remedy for car owners to get compensated and refunded for defective cars.
If your car is in the shop for repetitive repairs for an extended period of time, turn to the lawyers at Lemon Law Assist to help you back on the road to recovery.


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