About Cash For Cars Adelaide
Founded in 2019, Cash For Cars Adelaide has already become one of the most vetted licensed, local car collection and recycling companies, and has already gained a reputation for its highly consistent, professional, and quality service.
We follow a simple business model, wherein we pay cash to clients for their broken down, unused, scrap cars, trucks, and other vehicles. We pay our clients up to AU$9999 at your hour of need and the payment is done upfront, in a very straightforward way, sans many paper works. And we ensure that as many spare parts of the old cars can be reused, in our effort to protect the environment as much as we can! All these and our transparency has made us such famous cash far old, unwanted 4wd, 4x4 cars, trucks, and car removal companies in and around Adelaide.
What makes us such a popular name?
It’s our simplicity…
Indeed, our old car removal service involves…
Making a call
The arrival of our expert for free pick and removal
Instant Cash hand over
Our Services:
Our services at Cash For Cars Adelaide include:
Cash for Cars
Car Removal
Towing And wrecking
Cash For trucks
The USP of our service:
Free same day pick up regardless of condition and age, make or model
Minimal paperwork
Instant cash
The Areas where we serve:
Apart from Adelaide, we also serve in…
Mount Barker
Murray Bridge
Walkerville and quite some other places
For further details about our service, call us now!
316-322 Diment Road
Tel: 0406624274
Web: https://cashforcarsadl.com.au/