About Annie's Country Quilt Store
Welcome to Annie's Country Quilt Store
My aim is to inspire people through my own love of patchwork, quilting and stitching and to create a shop that is warm, friendly and inviting. Annie's Country Quilt Store is based in a 100 year old pioneer cottage on the Main South Road in Tinwald, on the outskirts of Ashburton, a small provincial farming town in New Zealand's South Island.
The cottage lends itself well to the country theme and my love of antiques and collectibles which feature in the shop alongside an excellent range of patchwork fabrics, DMC cotton stitcheries, gifts and patterns sourced from all over the world.
I want my customers to feel welcome to browse, comfortable about asking for help or advice and happy with their purchasing decisions. I also want them to come back and bring their friends!
167 Archibald Street
New Zealand
Tel: 033076277
Web: http://www.anniesquilts.co.nz