Lost at Sea Pattern - new theme each season
About Amazing Maze 'N' Maize
Get Lost with Attitude! Each season the maze pathways make up a giant picture of our new theme. Find the 'Kernels of Knowledge" to answer your quiz - picture searches for littlies. BBQ's, swimming pool, 3D Vortex Tunnel, eftpos, refreshments.
Open 27 Dec to 30 April.
www.maze.co.nz for daytime fun or www.cornevil.co.nz for the R16 Horror nights
Grimmer Scary Tales: kids find Ghouldilocks, Creeping Beauty and friends!
CornEvil: the R16 horror maze - your worst nightmares realised!
122 Otakiri Road
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
Tel: 073046293
Web: http://maze.co.nz