About Aerobotika Aerial Intelligence Ltd
As UAVs take off in popularity for commercial and individual utilize, it's much more critical to know how to fly one appropriately. Transport Canada manages the utilization of UAVs/drones and our Winnipeg UAV experts can get you up to speed on the rules. With a decade of experience, Aerobotika offers you premium flying services from with world class equipment. There are serious consequences for flying where shouldn't or endangering safety. Read up on what Transport Canada needs you to know. If you need to apply for a Special Flight Operation Certificate (SFOC) with Transport Canada, we can help you with the right paperwork and allude you to professional trainers. Our Winnipeg industry experts offer flight training to get you up speed quickly and proficiently on the 'do's and don'ts' of utilizing your UAV.
1750 Sargent Ave
R3H 0C7
Tel: 18005791828
Web: https://aerobotika.com