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Fildena pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd.


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Physical Address 712 Nestle Way
Phone 484-538-2139
Fax/Alt Phone 484-538-2139

Business/Community Description

Fildena is manufactured by Fortune Health care Fildena.mobi, an Indian based pharmaceutical company established in 2004. The company has at least seven brands of drugs all aimed at dealing with male sexual problems, one of them is herbal. The company marketplaces its products generally in most elements of the world including US, Canada, Australia and European countries.
After having been in operation for greater than a decade, the company claims to supply its products to more than 200, 000 people spread across the world.
They produce Fildena, Cenforce, Vidalista, and Tadalista all aimed at treating erection problems in men. Their potency ranges vary from 25mg to 200mg for the tough cases.
The company manufactures Fildena in a variety of formulations including capsules, tablets, gel capsules, and chewable tablets among others for easy use.
It claims to keep up global standards during the production process to ensure drug quality. Because the generic versions of erection dysfunction drugs have been approved by the Indian FDA, Fildena is totally safe to consider.
Fildena is an accredited and popular Sildenafil Citrate drug. Due to its effectiveness, the product has enticed a lot of common brands on the market. Although generic brands are also effective, they are believed to have less potency when compared with original brand-name in the treatment of erection dysfunction.
A universal brand has similar active pharmaceutical ingredients, but sildenafil content on the generic products is the same as in top quality products such as Cenforce.


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